Cynthia A. Challener, PhD, is a contributing editor to BioPharm International.
The Impact of Excipients on Stability in mRNA-LNP Formulations
Stability and in vivo performance aren't just affected by lipids.
Determining and Optimizing Dynamic Binding Capacity
The breakthrough approach is commonly used, but the devil is in the details.
Advances in In Vivo CAR T-cell Therapies
Key challenges posed to autologous and allogeneic treatments could be resolved by in-vivo CAR-T gene therapies.
Achieving High Yields in Upstream Processing of Plasmids
Process and plasmid design optimization, disposable equipment, and flexible platform processes all play important roles.
Technology for In Vivo CAR T-cell Therapy Advances
In vivo CAR-T gene therapies could overcome the challenges faced by autologous and allogeneic treatments.
Finding Solutions to Manage mRNA Instability
Messenger RNA is inherently unstable and thus requires unique solutions to protect its cohesion.
Choosing the Right Resins for Viral Vector Affinity Chromatography
Affinity chromatography resins must perform well under mild elution conditions yet withstand robust cleaning and sanitization protocols.
Digitalization of Biomanufacturing: A Status Update
Digitalization of bioprocessing is slowly bringing benefits to the biopharma industry.
Process Development and Control for New Modalities
Increasing molecular diversity is creating a need for the reinvention of process development and control strategies.
Focus on Fill and Finish
Both demand for and investment in fill/finish capacity continue to rise.
Adventitious Agent Testing for Viral Vectors
A holistic view of the product, manufacturing, and ultimate use of the viral vector is required.
Continuous Processing for Viral Vectors
Manufacturers are taking the first steps toward process intensification.
Quality by Design for Affinity Chromatography
Enriching process understanding enables robust process controls.
Method Development for Biosimilar Analysis
Linking structure with function is paramount.
Automating Cell Harvesting for Cell Therapies
Some progress has been made, but improvements are needed when harvesting cells for cell therapies.
Examining Phage Therapy
Battles against antibiotic-resistant bacteria can be won with bacteriophages.
Developing Excipients for High-Concentration Biologic Formulations
With high-concentration biologics, careful selection of excipients in formulation is crucial for reducing viscosity without destabilizing the protein.
Intensifying Downstream Processes
The need to increase efficiency and productivity is driving adoption.
Excipients for High-Concentration Biologics
Careful selection is essential for achieving viscosity reduction without protein destabilization.
Analysis of mRNA Therapeutics and Vaccines
Analytical approaches must keep pace to ensure the identity, safety, and efficacy of evolving mRNA candidates.
Multiple Challenges to Multispecific Analysis
Multispecific analysis is complex but can be achieved using appropriate strategies.
Process Analytical Technologies for Manufacturing Cell and Gene Therapies
Timing is everything, and it might be ideal for acceleration of real-time monitoring solutions.
Analytics Advances for Optimizing Downstream Processes
Surrogate analytics are no longer sufficient, as simple inexpensive real-time analytics are urgently needed for high value products.
Trends in Outsourcing of Bioprocess Development
Speed-to-market, capacity, technology development, and increased investment top the list.
Setting a Clear Strategy for Primary Packaging
Alternative materials, as well as supply-chain planning, are essential to ensure a reliable supply for parenteral drug packaging.
Single-Use Technologies Prove Effective for Viral Vector Process Development
The benefits of single-use technologies for upstream viral-vector processes clearly outweigh their disadvantages.
Subunit Vaccines and the Fight Against COVID-19
Advances in technology are accelerating the development and manufacture of subunit vaccines, an established class of vaccines.
Defining a Holistic Approach to mAb Purification Processes
Understanding the process and product goals is just the first step to a holistic approach to process development.
Meeting the Demand for Lipid Excipients
Contract manufacturers play a key role in the production of lipid nanoparticles for RNA vaccines.
Evolving Analytical Technology Unravels Protein Characteristics
Mass spectrometry and automation are growing in importance for protein characterization, but further improvements are still needed.