Cynthia A. Challener, PhD, is a contributing editor to BioPharm International.
Organic Nanoparticle-Based Drug-Delivery Systems as Alternatives to Lipid Nanoparticles
Exosomes, polymeric nanoparticles, and DNA nanostructures offer many potential advantages.
Advantages of Single-Use Chromatography Systems for Downstream Processing
The benefits include reduced contamination risks, simplified validation processes, and streamlined operations.
Advances in Insect Cell-Expression Systems
Cell-line engineering and media formulation improvements are leading to greater performance.
Outsourcing Analytics for Process Monitoring and Optimization
Developers save money and time while accessing expertise.
Synthetic DNA as an Alternative to Plasmids
Synthesis of DNA via cell-free methods has many benefits versus fermentation.
Overcoming Viral Clearance Challenges
Many factors must be considered to overcome the challenges associated with viral clearance.
Glycosylation Analysis for Multispecifics
The best strategy is to use a combination of complementary methods.
Biobetter Development
Weighing development costs/resources and performance benefits is essential.
Advances in Filtration Technology
Collaboration between technology providers and biopharma manufacturers are enabling both evolutionary and novel developments.
Considering Process Scaling for Monoclonal Antibodies During Early Phase Development
Platform processes and effective risk assessments help overcome time and cost challenges.
Sterilization Trends for Single-Use Consumables
Gamma irradiation is being supplemented with alternative technologies.
Addressing the Complexities of Media Formulation Development
Using a multi-pronged strategy to find optimum, tailored formulations is best.
Advances in Sterilization Technologies for Overcoming Viral-Vector Manufacturing Challenges
Sterile filtration and use of sterile single-use materials provide the best solutions depending on vector size.
Benefiting from Single-Use Tech Downstream
Increases in efficiencies, flexibility, scalability, and sustainability are impacting adoption.
Proprietary Cell-Line Development for High-Titer AAV Manufacturing
Proprietary cell lines offer opportunities for achieving high AAV titers.
Choosing the Right Excipients for MSC and iPSC Therapies
Buffers, stabilizers, and cryoprotectants play major roles in cell therapy formulations.
Increasing mRNA Product Stability with Lyophilization
Developing freeze-drying processes requires patience and deep product and process understanding.
Selecting Chromatography Resins for Bispecific Antibody Purification
Product and process understanding are essential to effective resin selection.
Exploring the Optimization of Linker Chemistries for ADCs
A look at how linker technology for antibody drug conjugates has evolved.
Managing Raw Material Variability for Autologous Cell Therapies
Preparing for variability and flexible processing are necessary for success.
Optimization of Linker Chemistries for Antibody-Drug Conjugates
There is no such thing as a perfect linker.
Optimizing Fermentation Processes for Biologics Manufacturing
Using a systematic approach and achieving run-to-run consistency are essential.
Advances in Inline Monitoring for Improved Bioreactor Performance
Process and bioreactor performance are directly impacted by real-time monitoring capabilities.
Exploring Producer Cell Development for Lentiviral Vector Manufacturing
Stable producer cell lines show real promise despite continued development challenges.
Challenges to Cell Expansion for Allogenic Cell Therapies
Sourcing of donor cells, access to fit-for-purpose reagents and manufacturing systems, and scalability are top issues.
State of Producer Cell Development for Lentiviral Vector Manufacturing
Despite many development challenges, stable producer cell lines show real promise.
Addressing Poorly Soluble APIs with Continuous Hot-Melt Extrusion
When one is using continuous hot-melt extrusion to enhance solubility, process control is essential.
Media for Suspension-Based Viral-Vector Manufacturing
Media developers and vector manufacturers face a combination of challenges and opportunities.
Cryo/Lyoprotectants Quality Challenges
Batch-to-batch variability and impurities present critical challenges.
Overcoming Harvesting Challenges for Adherent Cell-Culture Processes
Optimization strategies that leverage advanced technologies are essential for maximizing yield and quality.