Editorial Information: BioPharm International Submission Guidelines and Editorial Calendars

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BioPharm International welcomes objective editorial contributions from experts in biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing. View the editorial guidelines, topic calendar, and types of contributions accepted.

BioPharm International magazine integrates the science and business of biopharmaceutical research, development, and manufacturing by providing practical and peer-reviewed technical solutions to enable biopharmaceutical professionals to perform their jobs more effectively.

The editorial mix of peer-reviewed papers, technical articles, technology reports, regulatory and business columns, and expert commentary provide comprehensive coverage of process and formulation development, manufacturing operations, drug delivery, packaging, labeling, and distribution, as well as important business development and intellectual property considerations. This information is published in print magazines, digital publications, ebooks, and online at www.BioPharmInternational.com.

BioPharm International does not charge a fee for publication of editorial-based contributions. These editorial contributions must be objective, non-promotional, and submitted to BioPharm International on an exclusive basis.

Industry suppliers interested in content that conveys a marketing or advertising message can consider BioPharm International’s content marketing programs. Consult your sales representative for details

Editorial Calendars

View the editorial calendar for a list of scheduled topics scheduled for each issue of the print magazine, ebooks, and supplements.

Contact the editors

Ways to contribute

Biopharma industry experts can contribute editorial content in the follow ways:

  • Peer-review Papers
  • Technical Articles
  • How to Submit a Paper or Article
  • Expert Commentary
  • Press Releases/Product Announcements

Contact the editors


Peer-review Papers

Peer-review papers are a vital part of BioPharm International’s coverage of scientific and technical advances in biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing. Four types of peer-review papers are considered: standard data-driven, novel research; topical literature or patent review; technical case studies/technical application notes; and science-based opinion papers.

Manuscripts for peer-review papers are accepted on an ongoing basis. Publication priority is given to papers in the order they are accepted for publication.

Submitted papers are initially screened by the editors, then submitted for formal review by a member of the editorial advisory board, who will review the article for technical interest and content in a double-blind review process. The review, revision, and acceptance process typically takes 6 to 8 weeks. Article acceptance is conditioned on the reviewer’s approval. Once accepted for publication, a paper typically is published within 3 to 5 months. A galley proof is provided to the author for review prior to publication.

Peer-review papers are published in the print and digital editions of BioPharm International, and on www.BioPharmInternational.com. Links to the online versions of peer-review papers also are featured in e-newsletters distributed to the publication’s audience.

Please review the peer-review guidelines for a detailed explanation of the types of peer-review papers that are accepted, the review process, and submission information.

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Technical Articles

BioPharm International editors welcome contributions from experts at bio/pharmaceutical companies, regulatory authorities, industry suppliers, and consultants for possible publication in the monthly print issues, supplements, ebooks, or online at www.BioPharmInternational.com. All submissions are reviewed and edited by the editorial team; final publication is determined by the editors.

Ideas for contributions should be discussed with the editors in advance. The first step is to submit an abstract (250 words) describing the article focus and available figures and tables; list authors with titles and company affiliations.

The editors review the abstract, make recommendations on the focus and content, and consult editorial plans to see where the proposed article may fit in the editorial calendar. Topics not listed on the editorial calendar are also considered.

Schedules and the editing process for technical articles

Publishing is a deadline-focused business; the editors rely on the cooperation of contributors to meet deadlines, which are established upon review of the abstract.

The editorial process is summarized as follows:

  • The editors begin work on topics on the editorial calendar approximately four months prior to the month of publication; early contact with the editors via email inquiry is recommended.
  • Abstracts are due approximately three months prior to the month of publication.
  • Final articles, figures, and signed license agreements are due approximately two months prior to publication. Please obtain all necessary legal and company clearances prior to submission.
  • The typical word count for a technical article is 1800 to 2000 words, with up to three figures. The word count will be confirmed after review of the abstract.
  • Articles are assigned to a lead editor, who will work with the lead author through the editing process. Authors will review an edited a Word document, as well as a layout page proof. Authors must return proofs within a few days.
  • Articles published in the print and digital editions of BioPharm International also are published on www.BioPharmInternational.com. Some articles may be published online only. Articles also are featured in e-newsletters distributed to the publication’s audience.

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How to Submit a Paper or Article

Important guidelines to note prior to submitting an article or peer-review paper include:

  • The article/paper must be objective and cannot promote a company or its products. All performance-related claims must be supported by references to published literature.
  • The article/paper must be original and submitted to BioPharm International on an exclusive basis.
  • The article/paper cannot have been published previously in any format, including a company website or marketing literature.
  • Manuscripts are reviewed with the understanding that they are not ghostwritten and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere, including on the Internet.
  • Submission of an article/paper is not a guarantee of publication. The decision to publish is based on editorial review, advisory board review for peer-review papers, scheduling, and available space in the print issue.
  • All authors are required to sign a license agreement that provides BioPharm International permission to publish the original article and its associated figures/tables in print and online.

Submission guidelines

The BioPharm International Submission Guidelines contain policies for article rights, originality, and licensing; instructions for preparing the article for submission; acceptable file types for figures, tables, and images; a style guide for references; and other important information for preparing an article or paper for submission. Please review the guidelines prior to submission.

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Expert commentary

The editors of BioPharm International interview industry experts for technical articles on a range of biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing topics, including development, formulation, upstream processing, downstream processing, analytics, manufacturing, quality, and outsourcing.

Experts from bio/pharma companies, contract service providers, industry suppliers, regulatory authorities, and consulting groups are considered for expert commentary. Responses to questions must be objective and non-promotional.

To be considered for an interview, consult the editorial calendar for scheduled topics and contact the editors approximately four months prior to the publication date.

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Press Releases/Product Announcements

Press releases announcing significant company news such as mergers, acquisitions, expansions, and new product or service introductions related to drug development and manufacturing should be submitted to BPpress@mmhgroup.com. Press releases are reviewed, and pertinent news is published at the discretion of the editors on www.BioPharmInternational.com and in weekly e-newsletters.

A press release should include the announcement date, company location, a factual description of the news in less than 500 words, a link to the release posted on the company website or news service, and the name, title, phone, and email of someone to contact for additional information.

The email message should contain a descriptive subject line and sufficient information about the news to assist the editors in determining if the news is appropriate for the publication’s audience without opening extra file attachments or going to websites. Do not send files that are more than 5 MB.

The editors honor embargo dates that are clearly stated in the email subject line and message, as well as in the press release.

Note: The editors received hundreds of press releases each week and cannot acknowledge receipt of releases or respond to inquiries about status of coverage. The editors will contact the sender if additional information is needed.