UPLC Separation Intergrates into Mass Spectrometers

BioPharm InternationalBioPharm International-04-01-2014
Volume 27
Issue 4

UPLC Separation Intergrates into Mass Spectrometers

The new ionKey/MS System from Waters provides sensitivity, robustness, and ease-of-use out of mass spectrometry for applications ranging from bioanalyses to pharmacokinetic studies. Intended for use with Waters ACQUITY UPLC M-Class System and Xevo TQ-S Mass Spectrometer, the Waters ionKey/MS System integrates a UPLC separation into the mass spectrometer allowing scientists to achieve enhanced separation and detection of compounds, the company reports.

The ionKey/MS System’s iKey Microfluidic Separation Device contains fluidic connections, electronics, ESI interface, column heater, eCord Intelligent Chip Technology, and 1.7-micron UPLC grade particles inside a 150-micron I.D. channel to perform numerous UPLC separations without a degradation in performance. This plug-and-play design eliminates user-made connections, increasing data quality for scientists.

According to the company, ionKey/MS significantly reduces the amount of solvent consumed compared to 2.1-mm I.D. scale analyses, which results in lower solvent costs, reduced storage and disposal costs, and a more sustainable workflow for the environment.


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Lee Cronin, founder and CEO of Chemify
Jay Rajagopalan, senior director—Engineering & Product Management for Malema at PSG Biotech | Image Credit: BioPharm International
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