Cole Parmer's Masterflex L/S Cytoflow pump head is suited for use in biopharma and microbiology applications.
The Masterflex L/S Cytoflow pump head from Cole Parmer is suited for use in biopharma and microbiology applications. The pump was developed for pumping live cells and shear-sensitive fluids, and is compatible with all Masterflex L/S drives that accept two or more pump heads.
The pump head has a large-diameter rotor resulting in high flow rates at low motor speeds, and is available in two- and three-roller configurations. Two-roller heads offer higher flow rates, and three-roller heads deliver less pulsation. In addition to the high flow rates at low motor speeds, the pump head has a convex roller for cell viability. According to the company, performance in live-cell applications has been verified by independent test data.