Aligning mRNA Progress With Regulatory Streamlining - Episode 5

Navigating Challenges and Embracing Opportunities to Optimize mRNA Therapies

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The discussion covers the challenges of optimizing mRNA therapies, including the diverse behaviors of mRNA in biological systems, as well as the opportunities presented by emerging mRNA technologies like circular and self-amplifying RNAs, and the role of regulators in ensuring quality control of these novel products.

The expert panel discussed the diversity of mRNA structures and behaviors, as well as the challenges and opportunities in optimizing mRNA design and synthesis. New directions in mRNA structure and chemistry, such as circular RNAs and self-amplifying RNAs, were also discussed, as well as the increasing complexity of mRNA therapeutics from a regulatory perspective.

Discussion Topics

  • 00:07 - Challenges and opportunities in optimizing mRNA therapies
  • 01:44 - Emerging mRNA technologies
  • 04:20 - Role of regulators