Portfolio of Tools to Advance Immunotherapy


Agilent’s updated portfolio of products for immunotherapy researchers provides cell-based tools for translational research and development.

Agilent Technologies has updated its portfolio of products for immunotherapy researchers. The company’s new offering includes four purpose-built components that complement the following:

  • SureGuide Chemically Synthesized sgRNAs: to deliver guides to enable the full potential of CRISPR for cellular engineering and immunotherapy

  • NovoCyte Quanteon Flow Cytometer: to immunophenotype with up to 25 channels of fluorescence using sensitive silicon photomultiplier detector technology

  • xCELLigence RTCA eSight: to capture dynamic cell behavior and follow the biology that can be missed by labor-intensive endpoint assays to quantify critical events, such as cancer-cell elimination, in real time.

  • Seahorse XF Analyzers: to discover and tune immune-cell metabolism to mount a sustained and robust anti-tumor response.

“Immunotherapy is changing the landscape of cancer treatment, but most of the available tools are adapted and not purpose-built for this cell-centric workflow,” said David Ferrick, PhD, senior director of the cell analysis division at Agilent Technologies, in a company press release. “This is why we have placed so much emphasis on assembling and harmonizing innovative cell-based solutions. We want to enable researchers and developers to overcome the challenges and capture the opportunities of this rapidly growing field.”

“To find the answers, flow cytometry approaches, kinetic measures of live-cell metabolism, and quantifying the ability of T cells to kill targets over time, are all aspects that can be investigated now with the tools that Agilent provides,” said Carl June, MD, professor in immunotherapy at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and Abramson Cancer Center, in the release. “Any cell-based assay that improves the probability that you’re going to have an effective cell product will be something that everyone wants.”

The solution was showcased at Immunology 2019, the 103rd annual meeting of the American Association of Immunologists, which took place in San Diego, CA, on May 9–13, 2019.

Source: Agilent Technologies

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