The Pathway to Publication

BioPharm InternationalBioPharm International-05-01-2013
Volume 26
Issue 5

Wanted: Aspiring authors to share technical and scientific solutions for biopharmaceutical processing.

One of the most frequent questions I receive as a publication editor is: How do I get an article published? Here are some answers.

Rita Peters

BioPharm International integrates the science and business of biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing. We provide practical, peer-reviewed, and technical articles to enable biopharmaceutical professionals to perform their jobs more effectively. We believe that technical decisions are also business decisions and give readers the tools to make both sound business and technical choices.

The audience

BioPharm International readers are PhD-level researchers, scientists, and engineers involved in product and process development, manufacturing, quality control/quality assurance, analytical technologies, regulatory affairs, and plant and project engineering and design. Readers also fill corporate management roles. Interest areas cover the entire scope of biopharmaceutical products, including therapeutic peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, and cells for cell therapies and regenerative medicine, as well as both therapeutic and prophylactic vaccines.

Most importantly, BioPharm International's readers are also its authors. You can help us meet your needs by submitting manuscripts that offer technical and scientific discussions of ongoing drug development challenges and solutions.

Types of articles

BioPharm International publishes peer-reviewed papers, non peer-reviewed technical papers, and business-focused articles. The submission guidelines differ for each article type. If you are unsure about the most appropriate format, contact the editors.


The editors seek articles that keep our readers up-to-date on technical and regulatory topics such as upstream processing (protein expression, fermentation and cell culture) and process development; downstream processing (separation and purification) and process development; drug formulation and delivery; validation; GMP compliance and quality control; analytical technologies; scale-up strategies; and facilities design. We cover business topics such as supply-chain management, sourcing and outsourcing, project management, partnerships, and intellectual property management.

The authors

BioPharm International seeks contributions from all participants in the biopharmaceutical development community. Manuscripts are reviewed with the understanding that they have not been published previously, are not ghostwritten, and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere, including on the Internet.

Submission deadlines

We have no specific deadlines for peer-reviewed submissions. Peer-reviewed articles usually take about one to two months for review, revision, and acceptance by the editors. Once accepted, an article is published within four to eight months. Articles for supplements and non peer-reviewed articles are typically assigned three to five months before the supplement is published. If your topic is accepted, an editor will assign you an official deadline, approximately six weeks before the publication date.

Getting started

First, visit and review the author's guidelines. These instructions provide details about formats, style, and submission procedures. Then, send me a message ( or give me a call. I would be happy to discuss your ideas for contributions.

Rita Peters is the editorial director of BioPharm International.

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