Fundamentals of Oligonucleotide Separation by HPLC
From siRNA to mRNA to DNA, separating full-length product from impurities can be challenging. Depending on the nature of the oligonucleotide you are interested in, you will be able to make informed choices about what approach to use to characterize or purify your molecule.
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Evaluation of New High pH Stable, Superficially-porous Particle Columns for the Reversed-phase Separation of Oligonucleotides
In this work, we evaluate the uses of new high pH stable, superficially-porous particles for oligo separations for fast and high resolution analysis, and compare them with totally porous particles.
High Performance DNA Oligonucleotide Purification Using Agilent TOP-DNA
Trityl-on purification enhances the selectivity between the full-length sequence and the truncated failures. Solid phase extraction (SPE) tubes provide a low-cost method for this type of purification. Read about how Agilent TOP-DNA cartridges make it easy to quickly obtain outstanding yields of high-purity synthetic DNA oligonucleotides.
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Fast and High-Resolution Reversed-Phase Separation of Synthetic Oligonucleotides
In this application note, we demonstrate fast and high-resolution separation and identification of a number of de-protected (removal of the dimethoxytrityl group (DMT)) DNA and RNA oligonucleotides, using Agilent AdvanceBio Oligonucleotide columns.
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High Resolution Separations of Oligonucleotides Using PL-SAX Strong Anion-Exchange HPLC Columns
In this application note, you can learn how to obtain fast and high-resolution separations and identifications of de-protected DNA and RNA oligonucleotides to ensure High-purity products.
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Direct Analysis of In-Process Oligonucleotides Without Manual Purification
Learn about direct 2D-LC analysis of oligonucleotides in solution with high salt content and online desalting performed in the first dimension (1D), followed by IP-RPLC analysis in the second dimension (2D) in this application note.
New Strategies for a Better Glycosylation Profile
January 22nd 2025Glycan analysis provides key information on critical quality attributes that could affect stability, safety and efficacy of a protein therapeutic. Specific needs for understanding the glycosylation profiles change throughout the drug development process, but the requirement for high-resolution glycan information remains the same and is essential to help ensure product quality.