The HSV-1 and HVP-2 titers were determined by the inoculation of test solutions into Vero cell cultures and calculated using the Reed M?ench method.
Final Word: Regulatory Evolution
January 1st 2007How much do regulatory agencies know about nanotechnology or microfluidics? Yesterday, the answer was probably, "not much." Tomorrow, it may be "a lot." The reason is that new technologies push the agencies to expand their expertise.
Street Talk: Biopharm Exchange-Traded Funds: Their Time has Come
January 1st 2007On a recent plane ride from Phoenix to Philly, I was leafing through a copy of the San Francisco Business Journal. I was taken aback by a story on the emerging trend of biopharm exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and how much of an impact they're having on Wall Street and on investors.
Salary Survey: Is Your Paycheck as Robust as Your Proteins?
January 1st 2007The biotechnology industry is thriving, and hopefully you are too. BioPharm International's first salary and employee satisfaction survey presents a wealth of data that will allow you to compare many aspects of your job with those of your peers. The survey reports on demographics, education, work experience, salary and benefits, and attitudes toward current employment.