Amy Ritter, PhD

Scientific Editor, BioPharm International


Gilead Partners with Indian Manufacturers on HIV Medicines

Gilead Sciences announced that it is entering into agreements with Indian generic drug manufacturers to enhance access in developing countries to its anti-HIV medicine, emtricitabine.

Discovery Pipeline: Topical Delivery of siRNA

A team from Northwestern University has demonstrated the feasibility of topical delivery of small interfering RNA (siRNA).

Merck Serono to Spin Off Parkinson's R&D

First start-up funded by Merck Serono's Entrepreneur Partnership Program announced.

Sandoz Completes Acquisition of Generic Dermatology Company Fougera for $1.5 Billion

Sandoz announced it has completed the acquisition of Fougera Pharmaceuticals, a maker of generic dermatology products, for $1.5 billion.

CHMP Recommends Approval for First Gene Therapy

EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) has recommended the approval of Glybera (alipogene tiparvovec, marking the first recommendation in Europe for a gene therapy medicine.

Par Pharmaceuticals to be Acquired by TPG for $1.9 Billion

Par Pharmaceuticals, a maker of generic drugs, has entered into an agreement to be acquired by the private investment firm, TPG.

FDA Introduces New Safety Measures for Opioid Medications

FDA approved a risk evaluation and mitigation strategy for extended-release and long-acting opioid medications.

GSK Agrees to $3-Billion Settlement with Justice Department

GlaxoSmithKline has agreed to plead guilty and pay $3 billion to resolve criminal and civil liability resulting from unlawful promotion of certain drugs, failure to report safety data, and alleged false price reporting practices.

US Supreme Court Upholds Individual Mandate for Health Insurance

In a 5-4 ruling, the US Supreme Court upheld the provision of the Affordable Care Act requiring all adults to purchase health insurance or pay a penalty-the so-called individual mandate.